
COVID-19 Rehabilitation

Post-COVID Conditions do not only include breathing problems. After severe COVID-19, many patients also experience problems with concentration, memory or logical thinking. These symptoms make it difficult to return to normal functioning, to professional or domestic duties. They also contribute to increasing feelings of anxiety and nervousness, and impair mood. To overcome these problems, appropriate rehabilitation is essential.

Rehabilitation of patients using BLINK.PRO MED devices allows for the improvement of psychomotor abilities, eye-hand coordination and memory, which translates into an overall improvement in the function of the nervous system.

According to research, as many as 38% of COVID-19 recovered patients will require rehabilitation for attention, concentration and memory disorders.

Eye-hand coordination

Rehabilitation of patients using BLINK.PRO MED devices allows for the improvement of psychomotor abilities, especially eye-hand coordination, which translates into an overall improvement in the function of the nervous system. Rehabilitation involves the patient giving a motor response to a light stimulus in the form of a simple reaction. The exercises stimulate the nervous system and lead to an improvement in motor coordination.


BLINK.PRO MED devices make it possible to implement specially designed rehabilitation programmes dedicated to improving particular abilities of the patient. One of the proposed programmes is an exercise requiring full concentration of the patient and improving his/her concentration. The patient waits in concentration for a light stimulus, and then responds with a simple reaction in a precisely defined time, adapted to his individual predispositions. Additional exercises can also be incorporated into the programme, like involving the patient in solving simple mathematical tasks and effectively distracting them.


BLINK.PRO MED devices also have a dedicated programme for memory training. The light stimuli appearing in a strictly defined sequence stimulate the memory centre in the brain, particularly with regard to sensory memory (USTM) and short-term memory (STM). Periodically changing the stimulus sequence requires the patient to continuously engage the memory centre during the exercise, and this induces and perpetuates positive long-term benefits.